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FirmRoom is the top VDR provider for M&A professionals. The platform providers security and flexibility for rooms admins and users.
In this article, learn how to use FirmRoom's VDR platform from an administrative user's point of view. This admin help guide goes over the data room, permissions, reports, and settings tabs, as well as user notifications and announcements.
User Notifications
User Notifications
See the notifications from all of your rooms or filter the notifications by room
User Announcements
User Announcements
Create mass messages (announcements) that can be emailed to selected users/groups.
User Data Room Tab
Data Room Tab
Sort files by most recently uploaded
Select the gray box to apply bulk actions to documents
Bookmark files to tag for easy reference
Export a live-linking site map of the folder structure
Search for documents, the search will bring up text inside documents as well
Three dots icon allows for additional functionality
Document Viewer
Document Viewer
Search for a word or phrase in a document
See documents' past versions that have been uploaded
User Permissions Tab
Permissions Tab
Create a new group
Select from bulk actions such as moving users to other groups or deleting users
Copy a group's permissions to a new group
Add new members
Check the permissions across all groups
File Permissions
File Permissions
Select which group you want to set permissions for
Choose from view with a watermark, download with a watermark, download original, and edit
Pick the amount of permissions you want to set for each file and folder
Set the parent folder's permissions
Hide certain files and folders within the parent folder
User Reports
User Reports
View user and group activity such as documents viewed, uploaded, and downloaded
Export reports to Excel
Data Room Activity Reports
Data Room Activity Reports
Track document activity by groups
Customize the report timeframe
Choose from different metrics
Export reports to Excel
Data Room Activity Reports Continued
Track data room activity down to the document level
See the amount of time spent on a document
Audit Log
Audit Log
Track all activity from the audit log
Filter by user
Export reports to Excel
Set the specific dates you want to filter the audit log by
User Settings
User Settings
The small icon in the bottom left corner is where users can access account information, set email notification frequencies, and password resetting
General Settings
General Settings
Customize a room's name, background color, logo, and default comment types
Enable users to see the amount of documents in a folder or create bulk downloads
Watermark Settings
Watermark Settings
Change a watermark's opacity, type, and position
If a watermark is dynamic, choose if it shows the user name, email, date/time, or IP address
Settings: Non-Disclosure Agreement
Settings: Non-Disclosure Agreements
Enable non-disclosure agreements
User Help
User Help
Locate help resources such as live chat, 24/7 phone support, video tutorials, and FAQs